Gravenhurst Opera House

The 300 seat theatre in the heart of Ontario’s cottage country had been serving both the local community and the Muskoka Festival, a summer theatre producer of musicals and dramas, for decades. Over the years, this charming and historically designated theatre had become a major generator of visitation to the town both from the tourist and summer resident populations.

By the late 1980’s, the building had declined to the point where it had to be closed to the public. The program of work included an entirely new backstage wing with expanded stage, a renovation to the public areas on the lower floor and a restoration of the theatre interior.









Location: Gravenhurst, Ontario
Project Owner:
Town of Gravenhurst
Date Completed:
Project Cost:
$3 million
Quadrangle Architects
Image credit:
Terry Hrynyk (interior), Fred Schultz (exterior)